22.6 bits of unsolicited brand storytelling advice

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This year I’ve nested within myself to discover what it truly means to show up and tap into my talents. Ever since I was a little bitty human, I’ve been deeply involved with stories.  

I’ve been fascinated with the complexity of how a story can unleash new ideas, form authentic bonds, and shape identities. 

Storytelling helps people make sense of the world.

And guess what? People are at the root of all stories.

People have ideas. People build upon their ideas and make it something real. People need these real ideas to help them show up in the world. 

When a brand tells their story and tells it really well, they enchant like-minded people who want that brand story to be a part of their individual story.

I’ve got a big a** thing for storytelling.

Reflection has the power to illuminate the things we’ve learned and what we care about. Inspired by Kevin Kelly’s “68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice,” I decided to string together 22.6* bits of unsolicited brand storytelling advice inspired by frickin’ 2020, the year no one saw coming.  

22.6 bits of unsolicited brand storytelling advice

  1. Be like a farmer—patient and in it for the long-haul. The results will flow in.

  2. Don’t be afraid to evolve into something new when the time is right.

  3. Be utterly brutal with your word choice.

  4. Respect the vastness of the internet. Don’t add to the noise. 

  5. Before you hit ‘publish’’ ask yourself, “Does this actually add value to someone’s life?”

  6. 1 piece of content = 25 pieces of content. Don’t get lazy, get smarter. 

  7. Own up when you screw up. 

  8. Meet your audience where they’re at, and grow alongside them. 

  9. Ask a lotta questions, all the time. Curiosity leads to clarity. 

  10. Know your story like the back of your hand (most brands only know it like the back of their foot). 

  11. Empower your team to love your story as much as you do. 

  12. Expand your vocabulary through tools like OneLook.com.

  13. Be empathetic in every single piece of marketing you create. 

  14. Ask your team and audience how they feel more often.

  15. Embrace the analytics—and then happily pivot. ☺

  16. Gently nudge often and well. People who dig you won’t mind. 

  17. Don’t neglect your micro-copy. 

  18. Standout branding starts from within. 

  19. Enable your brand to build relationships without you knowing it. 

  20. Dip your toe into what you find interesting. It will feed your subconscious. 

  21. Sometimes the “right” question produces the wrong answer. So just rewrite the question.

  22. Algorithms can create prejudice and polarization. Fight it to get the full picture.

  22.6. Gratitude, just always gratitude. 

What have you learned about brand storytelling in 2020? 

*Cut KK’s number by ⅔ because I’m only here to serve up non-fluff. 


hey, hey! i’m the founder and lead brand strategist here at curated compass. 


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